Rebates – Discussion / Offer

Rebates – Discussion / Offer

Are rebates important to your game?

For those of you who are even half-way serious about extracting a steady income from horse race betting, that question just might be a crucial one.

In other parts of our lives, we will go out of our way to get a bit of a discount on the price of something that we are purchasing. It can almost always be the deciding factor. If I’m buying a new bicycle for my son, and one store offers me a discount on the exact same model – all other things being equal, I will naturally choose the discounted offer. It only makes sense, and we are all accustomed to thinking and acting in this way.

What about in race betting?  It seems many players don’t give much thought to finding where they can get the best discount on their wagering. Generally, players stay where they have been – it’s easier. Perhaps some aren’t aware that they could get rebates – or higher rebates – somewhere else.

But – again the question “How important are rebates anyway?”

Two examples follow:

Player A is a $50 bettor.  

That is his usual limit per race – most often broken up as a $20 win bet and either $30 in exacta bets, or sometimes – like when a very solid horse can be used as a single, or when a longer odds horse appears to have a good shot and will make the added risk acceptable –  he will use the $30 (give or take a few dollars) in the trifecta pool. Lets further assume this player bets at multiple tracks, and wagers in an average of 10 races per day.

Player A then puts through the windows,  in total, around $500 in his race day.  We’ll also assume he wagers 4 days a week, and plays weekly. This player then churns about $8400 in wagers each month. 

Lets further assume he is a solid handicapper, and gets a bottom-line ROI of +12% long term overall. His monthly income from the game is a grand ($1008).

This player might be satisfied – and has a right to be – after all, he has accomplished what 98.5% of other players haven’t.

But let’s go to Player B.

This person – though having the same skills, bottom line results, level and frequency of wagering . . . had a bit more drive and desire – and really wanted to “make a living” from the game. She researched into where she could get the best bang for her buck by finding the tracks that had the lowest take-out percentages, then finding a rebate shop that offered high rebates. She also realized, that at her level of betting, she wasn’t going to affect the pools, so that opened up smaller tracks where she could wager without the risk of hurting the odds.

She found these rebates offered:

Track 1 –   win:  16.54%     exacta:  21.54%     trifecta:  25.54%
Track 2 –   win:  17.39%     exacta:  17.39%     trifecta:  17.39%
Track 3 –   win:  5.74%       exacta:  12.54%     trifecta:  18.04%
Track 4 –   win:  10.24%    exacta:  17.24%     trifecta:  20.24%

She bet evenly into the 4 tracks on average, so her overall rebates were:
win 12.48%    exacta 17.18%    trifecta 20.30%

I’ll let you do the math, but her bottom line profits were:
– the same 12% ROI profits on total wagered as had Player A = $1008
the added rebates on wagered total = $1,363.82

Her profit total substantially more than doubled to $2,372.00

Now granted (allowing for a three-week vacation) $26,820.00 in gross income per year is not a living (in THIS country).  But – what if she considered this:  that by more than doubling her profit from the same wagers – she has essentially halved her actual risk

She could then justify gradually raising her per race committment to $100 and have approximately the same risk/reward ratio as Player A.  Her yearly income would now be $53,600.00 – she might consider that “a living” – especially taking into account the facts that she is doing what she loves, and is only ‘working’ 4 days a week anyway.

And after a ‘real-world’ test of actual wagers over a decent period of time to allow for very accurate projections – say one year – Player B might decide to take her wagers on up to $200 per race (spread between three pools) and know that this would still have but very little negative impact on the odds even at smaller venues. And an income from racing of $107,000.00 per year would be considered indeed “a living” by the large majority of players.


Another point that has probably become obvious: 

An overall losing player – can still make good money from the game  . . . simply by increasing his rebate level, and then increasing his churned volume (whether by amount bet, number of plays made, or added pools/wager types bet into). Some of you are already there, and for those, it becomes a ‘different’ kind of game altogether.



The rebate levels listed in the example above were not hypothetical. They are the actual rebates given at 4 tracks I play. There are tracks with higher, and tracks with lower.

If you are interested in getting those kinds of rebates, I can sponsor you into a restricted community of players that are getting that level of money back – on every dollar wagered.

This isn’t for everyone.  If you are a $10 bettor who plays every other weekend, then ‘good on ya mate’ – but this isn’t really for you.

As stated – a certain level of commitment should be present. There is no real restriction on amounts (deposited or wagered), or even volume of play, but really – this is for players who are serious, or plan on getting serious about making some money from the game.

If that is you – and you are interested – send me an email: (click on this email link, and request application form)  [email protected]

I will send you a link to a simple preliminary application form – you fill it out – and if you qualify, you will be contacted shortly by someone who will explain everything in depth, and walk you through the whole thing; the online betting interface (which is second to none! – and includes real-time video – bet cancelling is allowed – lots of automated record-keeping, etc. etc.), and all the steps in the two-part process.

You decide yay or nay – and then fund your account.

 . . . From there you will be “off to the races,” (and getting back 5% to 25% more return on your wagers than the tracks give you!)

* Restrictions Apply click here to see states that are restricted.




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