General Comments Forum
For specific responses from clients – read or post to the comments section of each individual post.
If you have other questions, or comments, or want to add your 2-cents about any topic related to horse racing – this is the place to do that.
Many of you have much to share – there are quite a few “old salts” here as well as numerous “newbies” – and everything in between. Questions – and answers (advice gained from experience) can be valuable to all.
Please feel free to chime in . . . we only ask that you keep it impersonal. This is not the place to “pick-a-bone” (or a verbal fight!) with someone else because they hold a different view.
Other than that – feel free.
I will also occasionally add testimonials and email comments (anonymously) here, so that you can read what others are saying to us.
Thanks – Gary
Hi Gary,
I hope all is well. Quick question, with the recent news re:Servis/Navarro are you going to be playing “closer to the vest” in the short term? I am curious if the other high percentage trainers are going to have sudden slumps.
Mark – Well . . . I might just go the other way and open up my game a bit. If there is more question now as to how trainers (certain trainers) will react, and if in fact there are changes in their patterns – then the added ‘confusion’ may serve to provide increased pricing (odds) errors on the public’s part. – Gary
It was my first day using the HRG index and I happen to pick the Kentucky Derby day for my first look.
I know systems don’t win every day although I am quite pleased with the turnout of today’s races.
I don’t recall winning this many exotic races on one card in recent history.
I’ll be sure to try the index again in the future.
I read both your e-book and the “Zen” piece, and wanted to pass along my appreciation. Both were very well written, and I loved the philosophical direction of the “Zen” article.
As a learning horseplayer, it was fulfilling to see I’m on the right path…but am fully aware of the distance I still must travel.
Thank you for the time and thought you have put into these words, and thank you for sharing and to help educate those of us willing to seek.
Good morning Gary,
Wanted to touch base with you now that I have tested the L&B Method out on 4 different tracks from PP’s I had from a couple Wednesday ago, I tested it out on Tampa, Turfway, Penn and Charlestown. I gotta say this is the first handicapping product that is quickly gaining my trust. It amazes me how the majority of time, the winner of the race consists of my A, B and C picks. Even when a horse outside of A, B and C as won, the the next 1-3 positions fill in with with 1-3 of the picks.
I am impressed. In the Turfway card, I would have hit back to back winners paying $44 and $53. As I was going thru this, I began to see how this so ingeniously take out races that won’t or shouldn’t matter in the current day’s race. As I was going thru each race, I anxiously waited for the next race as I was excited to see the results. You’re right, once you get the hang of what you need to look for, handicapping goes pretty quick.
Great product! Can’t wait to try it out this weekend!
Hi Gary,
When I first look at the Bankroll Builder Method with the software and read the manual,my first thought was I wasted my money again on a worthless system.The system looks so simple and so was the qualifying rules that I set it aside for a few hours.When I got the time to really looked at it and read the manual a few times,and then I tried it out on Delaware Race 4 ,9/28…made a few mistakes in filling out the spreadsheet,but got it going after a few minutes.I also have to reread the manual a few more times to make sure I got the proper answer on the fields I have to fill out…But when I finished,i looked at the lowest score,#7 Lake Creek and the m/l was I think 3-1,it won and paid $5.60.I didn’t bet it because I was just trying it out and after I tried it out a few more times on a few past races,i’m impressed and became a believer.It didn’t win all the time but made a profit .I also like to bet early and just put my bets in the morning after scratches and enjoy the rest of my day,so this program works great for me.I was a Doc Sartin player for a long time and it takes me some time and work to handicap a few races plus used my judgement on what horse(s) to bet…The HRG Bankroll Builder will now be my only program to use from now on.I really love it…It’s simple and the manual input which scared me at first was really no big deal.After a few races,i can do it fast.It beats all the other expensive software out there.It’s really ‘gold’.
Thank you so much,
Hi Gary,
What is “optimized odds”?
I see it referred to on your website but can’t find any specific articles telling me what it is. Thanks.
Mike –
Check out the “Hot Odds” post for a fuller explanation. In our data base, we track all odd by rank, and by return (ROI) for each odds increment – thereby knowing where the profits have come from
and thereby being able to optimize betting decisions according to the reality of our own wagering.
We offer that information in a chart form to subscribers of the HRG Index. You could do the same data collation for your own betting/handicapping history – and likely increase your bottom-line a bit.
Best regards – Gary
Hi Gary,
Your latest blog (“Patience”) is powerful. How much is the HRG index?
Hi All,
Just a quick note. Projection Rhythm, available on this website,
is the best and ONLY tool you need to win LONG TERM!!!! Of course, patience (please read the article by Gary, PATIENCE) and discipline are also necessary ingredients towards long term term profits.So, please read about Projection Rhythms, and if you are serious, you will make a long term profit, using the method. It is that Valuable!!!!!
Bravo Gary!!!!
John – It’s been a while! How have things been going with you? Thanks for the kind words. – Gary
Had a blast and won some big money when daily you sent out your picks on every betable track in the country. Even lined out a sheet with 8 or 10 boxes down and race numbers across the top. I would fill the boxes your six or eight top numbers circle your longshots and never really bet many favorites to win. Gimmicks were great with all the knowledge I got from your Emails every day. This also was great because my wife and I started almost 3000 at about 50 tracks. Seems like a long time ago, but I just wanted to thank you for all your work and the fun you gace me. THANKS SO MUCH George
George – Good to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words. Kind regards – Gary
got your email gary. summer doldrums setting in maybe? i TRY to lead a balanced life. since i am retired i have alot of time, so i indulge in alot of hobbies such as coffee bean roasting, stamp collecting, astronomy,finance-stock market, and being a bicycle junkie. i always find it curious to learn new things, that is the biggest challenge. at this point, the horse risk-investment thing is just more or less automatic, but with so many hobbies i don’t find myself eating up my profits from the horses on “ACTION=LOSING) bets.
Here I go again, hadn’t planned on posting for awhile about pareto’s but today at Parx the first and third were 2-1/2 mile turf hurdles, races I would never play, HOWEVER, I am playing trainers, not horses or types of races. Race 1 $36.00, race 3 $22.20.
Ray – You’re making me envious man! – Gary
Was going to wait til end of month to recap Paretos, however in the time span that I have been playing, pretty much every track running, my conclusion is Pareto’s works. Just a caveat, plan on having a few days where it is just not working, then you have days like today playing delaware, finger lakes, parx and thistledown where the mutuels I hit
These days make up for the dismal days, & as I previously posted, these days occur frequently enough to get a nice return.
After several hundred races my hit rate 14.9%, however the roi is 44.9% which for doing absolutely no handicapping, minimal effort required is truly phenomenal.
This is now my go to method. No more figuring speed ratings, pace ratings, class ratings etc etc.
All the methodologies that Gary has shared with us works, this is just the easiest, literally a no brainer! ” SO easy a caveman could do it.”
You owe it to yourself to give this a whirl!
Ray – As always – good to hear reports from the field. You’ve described Pareto’s Ponies perfectly – it’s streaky, but lucrative. Continued best of fortune, Ray. – Gary
Ok, so much for “Nuf said” had to share this, today my first day betting real greenbacks on Paretos. Thought was gonna go south first time betting for real, but NO. Had 76 bets at $2,sticking my toes in the pool, should a would a could a bet more.
So $152 in, $333.40 out, profit $181.40 or at $20, would have been over $3,600 for 2 days.Unreal!
Here were today’s mutuels:
10.20,16.00,31.60,58.60,46.80,28.20,29.00,16.00,8.60,26.80, 10.40.
11 tracks played.
Out of 6 days, had one losing day Tuesday only had 26 bets, at $20 $520 in, $396 out, loss of $124, just over 6 units only.
Just kinda mad that I hadn’t tried this sooner, quite frankly didn’t think just betting trainers would be this effective or easy.
Would love to hear from someone who has utilized this methodology over a large sample of races.
Considering the low hit rate, I am assuming a very large sample over time would validate the efficacy of Paretos.
Will post again in August, I am sure a month of 7 days a week, almost all tracks running should give me a large enough sample to be statistically significant.
I’ll be back!
Ray – As always – thanks for the reports from the field. One of the keys to betting the races is to somehow land on horses (at least every now and then) that the crowd is not onto. Pareto’s Ponies provides a method that does just that. The kicker – as you have noticed – becomes the lower hit rate. For those with the right ‘personality’ (a bit of the old “ice water in the veins”) – this method can be very lucrative. – Gary
Pareto’s ponies update
Planned on seeing if could duplicate the results in the ebook playing a week, but I have seen enough, and plan on playing this method exclusively. I wanted a method that I could bet early, go on with my day and earn at least 20%. After yesterday, no more paper bets. Betting $20 per horse yesterday would have realized a profit of $1,832!!!!!
So far 282 bets, usually 2 horses per race has yielded an return of 58%. Hit rate only 15% but who cares with that kind of return.
Can do several tracks in less than an hour, so very easy.
Belmont 18.00, 14.20
CHarles town 79.80, 57.40
Delaware 10.20, 23.40
Evangeline 19.00, 11.00
Gulfstream 18.60, 7.60
Louisiana 27.60
Penn 16.00
Presque 8.00
Tampa 43.00
Nuf said
Ray – Thanks for the update. Your one evening at Charles Town would make most player’s week (or month?)!
Two comments: 1. With a hit rate of only 15%, it’s good that you are not watching the races – could get frustrating – whereas if you are only checking at th end of the day all of that potential frustatration is moot. 2. Also concerning the low hit rate – it’s better that you are spreading the tracks, more likely to avoid long losing streaks that way. – Gary
Pareto’s ponies,have had this forever, however never put it to use until this past Sunday, and now kicking myself in the a** for not trying this sooner. Have always used speed ratings, pace etc to handicap, been using the DA Key successfully for quite some time in qualifying races. Never thought using trainer handicapping only would be that successful until at Belmont this past Sunday.
Race 4 $11.80
Race 5 $14.60
Race 8 $55.50!!! (12/1 ml)
Race 9 $30.00
That’s an OMG! $380 invested $1175 returned 209% roi.
Same day parx showed a $280 loss.
Monday at dp, parx, Tdn had the following mutuels: $19.00, 11.00,47.80,18.80,20.40.
So the 2 day roi ended up being 228%!!!!!!
All paper play so far regretfully, not sure how this was going to work. Will go thru next Saturday and see if this holds out, if so this will be my go to methodology.
I want to bet early, so the morning line odds parameters I used 4/1-20/1.
Anyone else out there using this methodology? Would be curious to see your results.
Thanks again Gary for another awesome method, considering no handicapping it’s totally was to use. I use brisnet pps to get the trainer stats.
Ray – Always good to hear from you. I’ll drop a sort of “hidden” bomb here – where not too many will see it 🙂 Using the Pareto’s Ponies approach – only into “signal” days shown by the Progression Rhythms software – offers a
ROI that is almost obscene – on the order of what you experienced above. Constant research uncovers the nuggets, Ray, – good work my friend. – Gary
Wow, thanks for that tip on projection rhythms, will start using that, makes sense. Haven’t been using PR because have stopped watching races, now I can just bet early on the “favorable” days!!
Thank you, Gary – the initial tries using the Maiden Key Method with some previous PPs look very promising! I’ll be putting this through its paces shortly.
I also wanted to say that the Bankroll Builder is working quite well. Initial live trials have been a little streaky, but they seem to be settling overall towards a nice ROI. This method is far less effort than the one I’ve been doing for five years, and it’s working a lot better. Thanks again!
Just wanted to say thanks Sunday 11/22/15 I had a great day using the Simpilifed betting method with the HRG Index – made lot’s of money just the way I like it. Again hats-off to you and your staff.
Best Regards
Anybody have a favorite method that they would recommend
Ricky – Not many come to this “General Comments Forum” to read/post, best to read through the post comments and
replies here and through the various other posts (there is an archive) where so many have already offered opinions
on our various methods. Best regards – Gary
Toteboard Gold is as close to a full-proof system when used with a little basic handicapping as any. Thank you Horse Racing Gold – Robert
Forgot to mention, went to American Turf and downloaded the 2014 track equalization chart and used those figures to make track SR adjustments for the DA Key
Decided to try the DA Key today for something different to do, results unreal, not spectacular odds wise, but very consistent:
CD2 #3 $3.00/2.10/2.10
AQ3 #2 $3.80/2.20/2.10
Fl4 #1 $3.40/2.20/2.10
Aq5 #2 $5.60/3.40/2.70
FL7 #7 $0/6.30/5.10
AQ7 #4 $12.20/4.80/3.30
AQ8#4 $3.50/2.20/2.10
Ran win thru the P3 start with a $20. Profit of $243.35!!
100% place and show.
Used pay streak guidelines to choose races.
Guess I had Da Key to easy profits all along!!
Ray – Thanks for the report – can always count on you for “boots on the ground” accounting, and I appreciate that. Yes – the DA Key can really roll at times, and it’s about as easy to apply as it gets. I like the way you are combining aspects of various methods . . . that’s how I believe it should be done. Keep up the good work. – Gary
Gary, this Sniper thing may just turn out to be the approach I’ve been seeking for a long time. I last wrote that confining wagers to the 3/1 to 5/1 range was profitable. I then decided to see about betting when only one was left at that range. Result: even better.
Today I’ve hit 2 out of 3, but came close to nabbing a 3rd. Here’s what happened: a horse down from 5/2 to 9/5; a horse from 5/1 to 3/1; a horse from 8/1 to 6/1. I’m still following your original rules regarding 3 or more bet downs. Well, an eye blink before the gate opened, the 8/1 to 6/1 became 8/1 to 7/1. With now only 2 bet downs, the 3/1 would have been a play, but of course it was too late. The horse won: 8.90.
OK, now I looked at the original criteria on bet downs from 12, 10, and 8/1. The percentage change for the minimum drop was 1, 2, and 3 respectively. What if I changed the criteria to require at least 3.5 percentage points drop from these high ML odds? So for purposes of my new approach, since I’m not betting on the longshots but only counting them, I settled on: 12/1 to 7/1; 10/1 to 6/1; 8/1 to 5/1 to be counted as drops. Had I been following this revision, I would not have counted the 8/1 to 6/1 as a legit drop, so would have had only two droppers, one being too low, the other playable at 3/1.
Now as to progressions, I’m thinking of betting PLA with Pandolfo’s original progression, and perhaps a milder progression on WIN. My records so far, using only select tracks, saw a 50% hit rate for PLA, 25% ROI. The WIN slot was 44% hits (I don’t expect this to hold), ROI 98%.
Looks like I chose a good one, Gary! I’ll keep you posted on future results.
Best, John
Hi Gary,
I just ordered your HRG Index selections package for one day to see how it’s put together and get a general feel for it. I would like to utilize your selections for today, Friday July 18. My sincere thanks! I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention that I am very impressed with your Tote Board Gold place betting system. Granted that I am only trying it out on paper and I’ve only “bet” on 10 or so races, but my results have been amazingly good. ROI at about 80%. Of course, my results are skewed in the positive direction because I have had 3 races where both horses ran 1st. and 2nd. I remember you stating that only happens about 9% of the time, so I have had an inordinate number of high payoffs but still I certainly like what I have seen so far. May try a few races with real dollars today and see what happens! Regardless of how I might do, I want to compliment you on a well crafted and well thought out method for making selections. I appreciate your hard work and dedication on behalf of your customers. Keep up the great work and have a nice weekend! Jim
Thank you for the best blog there is on The Subject!
I surely missed it, please explain the “sniper method” as mentioned ion one of the comments. – Peter
Peter – Thanks. I sent you a pm re the Sniper Method. – Gary
Gary, We live in Virginia and got 16 inches of snow last night so after shoveling today I am inside enjoying my day with the ponies. I am using L& B on Tampa Bay Downs. Race 2 Maiden Claiming, nice start paid $4.40 (spot play on morning odds in half) BUT that isn’t the half of it….Race 4. 1st and 2nd contender NOT the favorite (3rd contender was). This is my favorite spot play……1st contender ran #1 paid $13.80 2nd contender ran #2 and the $1 exacta paid $117.20
Thanks again for all that you do, Charles
Just an update. So far L&B is by far my favorite. I have been backing up my L&B choices with a place bet from TBG when the situation exists and it has turned some L&B loss bets into “break even” scenarios.(I’m only using the horse with the biggest odds drop as a single bet) . . .
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I am having a great time with what I have purchased from you and may look at the P3 software in the near future to maximize my profits. Flat betting is giving me slow steady progress but now that I am getting some confidence in something that is showing it works I would like to take my betting to the next level.
Thanks again, Charles
Thanks for another winner. I had a great time with Tote Board Gold for using it the first time. I had the time yesterday to watch the board and since most thoroughbred tracks were dark I cautiously looked at the harness tracks.
I don’t know if anyone has told you but it works AMAZINGLY on Harness racing and I only had to bet one horse in most of the races. I bet four tracks and all but one were profitable. Anyway, that’s not the only reason I’m writing. I have to tell you, with all the junk I have purchased over the years I really took a leap of faith but so far L&B and TBG have both lived up to your claims. Thanks – Charles
Thanks for getting the L&B Method to me so quickly. There was still time to give it a try on the 7th, 8th, and 9th at Charlestown.
Hit the 7th for $11.20 and the 8th for $9.40. So, a nice start.
Thanks – Charles
Hi Gary –
I went back and read the Zen program from the MC Series. Can’t believe its been about 8 years now, but going back to revisit some of those writings is a good thing to do.
I never wrote down any goals or expectations. I just played the wave, but there is some very good stuff in there.
Ray – I have just purchased Tote Board Gold a couple of ago and your comments peaked my interest. Are you saying that it is easier to replace Table #3 (i.e. the Dutching Chart) with the actual odds instead of Projected Place odds? If that is the case, then we don’t really need to refer to Table #1, either. (Gary, please let us know if you agree). Thank you both for your report and comments.
By the way, today, while learning to apply the TBG, I spotted a strong subset from the Sniper Method, made a small wager (still building my self-confidence 🙂 and made a profit.
Best of luck,
Michael – Yes, you could replace the columns on chart 3 with the equivalent win odds – i.e the 2/5 would become 1/1, the 1/2 odds becomes 6/5 then also for example the 7/2 on top would become 8/1 – etc. Make a couple of other adjustments (i.e not many places report win odds of 2/3 and 3/4 – etc.) and then use just use that one chart.
The thing is you won’t then have an idea of what the place payoffs might be (unless you memorize the equivalents – in which case you could use either chart 1 or 3 interchangeably, or no charts at all!). And, of course, as long as you don’t ever confuse the dutch numbers and use the win chart you’ve adapted to place betting when actually betting to win.
– Gary
Decided to take a break from traditional handicapping and use tote board gold for the month of December working well so far, so easy a caveman can do it. To date my roi 18% for first week(without rebates) Last night at mountaineer race 5 Dutched 2 horses place payoffs of $15.90&$9.40!! Just now at beu & finger lakes, had back to back both horses placing, $3.40/$6.80 & $3.80/$6.80. Reason for writing this is to make this method WAY EASIER is to make a dutching chart with ACTUAL odds not projected place odds. This is actually fun and easy, may never return to regular handicapping. During this I have noticed some nice “sniper” win mutuels the double at FL, winner paid $18.60. Seems the tote board may be a “gold” mine!!
Ray – Glad TBG is treating you well. I think I remember saying half-jokingly in there somewhere that I always thought that would be my “old man’s” fallback method when it ever got to the point that the brain no longer had the energy required to h-cap! Your 18% is very good – that will likely settle down an bit lower in the long term. Keep up the good work and thanks for the report. – Gary
when I mentioned projection rhythms is a game changer: here are some nice scores.sat 11/16 Aqu: $26.80,$15.60 and $14.60. Today at Parx: $16.20, $22.60 and last race $36.80. This methodology worth its weight in Gold!
Ray – As always – thanks for the “reports from the field.” Few are willing to spend the little time it takes to do it, and it is much appreciated. – Gary
How I’ve been wagering recently. I go 2 levels @$20. 13 levels @$30. 8 levels@$50 5 levels@$80 3 levels@$130. Covers 50 bets, so far haven’t had to use $80 level. Need 100 units total. One of my worst losing streaks, lost 36 then hit for $44.80. Flat bet invest 37×20=$740, return $448. Loss=$298. Using above method ended up +$160. Have had different betting portfolios; place, show, L&B/Speed 2013. Have decided to only use Projection Rhythms and play the price horses, better ROI and greatly simplifies my racing life. You said PR would be a game changer, you couldn’t have been more correct!
I now have two systems from your company and are currently playing in the steady black column of the ledger. (my red pen was running low on ink)
For Breeders Cup day and other big events do you use the systems as is or do you make any modifications?
I am using the Bankroll and the DA-Key system.
Thanks for your help. – David G.
Just hit a $56 winner at Belmont using your Projection Rhythms software . . . and the L&B method continues to produce a profit. Its simplicity is mind boggling!! Best regards, Ray
So far, ALL of your methods have proven profitable; way better than the dozens of computer programs I have on my computer!
So, again, thanks for the long green method and for all the other methods; I have really expanded my knowledge of this difficult(not so much now!!) sport. Best regards, Ray
In today’s world of scams, shams, “empty calories”, and shallow falsehood as a Way, your P3+ software still functions as advertised…and irreplaceably.
Yours, Peter M
Hi Gary
THANKS ever so much for your email and im sorry its taken a day or so for me to reply but ive been alittle snowed under with work.
I appreciate the advice.
I want to let you know that im using paretos ponies for uk races and it is performing exceptionally well.
I have bought show me the money and simple money off you fairly recently because you are the very best horse player that I know and im hoping to create a portfolio of angles so that I can go full time.
I wanted to tell you that I have around 9 or 10 authors the deal with the subject of smart/insider money but your take on it in the simple money system is not only different from all the others but makes sound logical sense…none of those authors put the odds shift in the context of the race , the other horses , or the pari mutual system like you do…your approach is kinda like a holistic view that makes perfect sense and as straight forward as it is I can honestly say that I would never have thought of it , it is a stroke of genius in my humble opinion!
With regard to the simple money system you have fantastic results on your web page/in the ebook so I was wondering if you have some long term in the realm numbers on it for average longterm win % and ROI for both the win side and exacta wagers?
I have read a really great book recently that is a simple money management system using variable percentage betting and its fantastic…its by a guy called Jerry Samovitz entitled “out of the red into the black”
just thought id give you the heads up on that incase you don’t know of it.
Thanks Gary
hope to hear from you
warm Regards
Just wanted to say Great job on the HRG today!
I only had time for three races at LAD……… at 9.80 and 13.60……exactas of 46.00 and 44.20 and could very easily have got the other race….kept a horse in right at 2-1 and third choice won…..maybe accept at least 5-2 on top???……didn’t play trifecta, but race one hit for 129.80.
Anyway, the kicker was the Pick 3………..$637.20…….Races 1-2-3
By the way….outstanding job with the Index….I am beginning to see multiple ways of utilizing it for profits….also, last nights insights about that “C” pick with odds helped confirm for me one of my ideas….which involves dutching those top 3 picks ( have to vary bet amounts, but am seeing a LOT of sucess)….many thanks! Carl
can you give us new comers a 2-3 week trial for free to see if this really works . also some of us are poor like me thanks also have you ever heard of col. fritz clayton 1 rule system called my simple system its was introduced in the mid 90’s from alpha publshing but i never bought it .
it was suppose to get about 5 winners a day average with one rule no past performances also if you can help me handicap the races with no past perfomances involved that would be welcomed glennski
I haven’t heard of that person (did a quick search online – and nothing), but then methods and systems have been a dime a dozen throughout the history of racing. We pretty much stopped all the “free” stuff early on – the freebie hounds (I’m sure you are NOT in that group) come out of the woodwork for anything free – and we don’t like being taken advantage of – as well as it not being fair to the paying customers.
We have a couple of tote board approaches available, but even then – knowing something about the relative merits of the runners and their connections seems to me a requisite for serious handicapping. – Gary
Hi Gary,
I just finished reading Jerry Samovitz’s book “Betting & Beating the Exotics”. I enjoyed it so much, I was hoping that there was more more information available from this author, so I did a Google search on his name and found your website.
Thanks for taking time to put together a website for the lessons learned available for the rest of us.
Take care,
It’s easy to say after the fact but I had a real good day yesterday with orb to win,place,show for $50.00 and revolution to place and show for the same. Only 1 losing bet. I enjoyed your derby package and used it and some other factors to narrow down the win and it all worked out. Thank you (I look forward to bank roll builder).
Gary –
Thanks for the Derby Report. I hit the exacta on Saturday for $98. I never would have had Golden Soul in the mix without your information.
Dean Ruffner
Hi Gary, Just some positive feedback on your great little program. I made a nice constant return both yesterday and today turning $100 a race into approximately $800 total return in 2 days betting show . Real nice.
Thanks again, Andy B
(He purchased the P3+ software with the bonus “Super Shots” method – Gary)
Thanks Gary
Speed 2013 is Great!
I’m interested in a few more of your methods especially Racing Exchange Gold.
Instead of buying one by one, I’m strongly considering going for the Membership.
I just hit the trifecta because of your Speed 2013 system at Tampa.
Pays on $.50 $331 I would have thought more but its ok.
Thank you Larry