HRG Index Guarantee

All subscribers –

First and foremost we want to be fair – for both sides.  This is horse racing and to expect to always be profitable is simply a pipe dream.

We want to offer you some compensation when the Index doesn’t perform to our standards, yet we are not going to offer risk-free play.  It would not be fair to us if a subscriber made for example $1000 in week 1 of their subscription – then lost $100 in week 2 of their subscription – and claimed their subscription fee back for week 2 while being ahead $900 with the Index in the two weeks.

*Note:  We will not offer an individual day guarantee .  Experienced players, of course, will understand  this very well, and for newbies . . . well, simply put – racing just isn’t that kind of game.  The goal is long-term and consistent profits – irrespective of the unavoidable day-by-day fluctuations.

So – our Guarantee is as follows:

Any time the Index is not profitable overall for the dates you’ve subscribed, you can get your subscription fee back for the previous most recent week.


Best of fortune to you         –  Horse Racing Gold