Royal Racing and Frog Juice . . .
“Frog Juice” is the latest news in racing’s drug scene. Synthesized from the poisonous secretions of a South American frog – the drug is supposedly 30 times more powerful than morphine. To date, it has only been found to be in use in Quarter Horse racing, but you and I know that unscrupulous individuals are not restricted to any one area of the racing industry.
It is obvious that the use of this new drug would be to mask the pain of existing injuries in order to send an unfit horse out to race. And isn’t it just as obvious that this will cause some of those horses to break down during the race. Follow along with me here please . . . And isn’t it just as obvious that in some of those breakdown accidents on the track – horses will get hurt badly enough that they will need to be put down . . . And jockeys will get hurt more or less severely – some maybe paralyzed or even killed.
Then I put to you that those who administer these illegal drugs (heck – even legal drugs if they in any way help mask pain or fatigue), or even those that turn a blind but knowing eye – should be held responsible for the injuries and/or deaths that result. This means they should be charged as perpetrators or accomplices in the crime of mayhem at the least – or negligent homicide where applicable – then punished accordingly.
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