Zen and Horse Betting? Yeah – Right!

What is the sound of a one-handed handicapper clapping (?!?) –
Have you figured it out yet – how to achieve horse betting success?
Maybe that’s the problem – you’re still trying to “figure it out.” Analyzing and drawing conclusions about a race that you then use to make predictions is kind of like trying to roll a snowball up a sand dune!
So what to do? Throw darts . . . Blindfold and a hatpin . . . draw straws . . . bet like you overheard the cigar-chomper at the next table saying how he was going to bet?
Well, no – I suggest you raise your game to a higher level and begin to wager with the clarity and confidence that you are capable of. But – how to get to that level?
But before we get into the meat of this post, here is a gambler’s puzzle you can be thinking about as you read:
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