The L&B Method

The new L&B Method:
What we’ve got: A new method that will be profitable for you – no matter who you are.
What you’ll get: A method that is simplicity itself – but whose foundation is as solid as it gets. The factors used are the most crucial to the outcome of a race, and we have tweaked them to a fine degree of dependability, yet it will take you only 3 minutes to handicap the average race.
What you need to do: Order – go over the material – do a few practice races, then – start cashing tickets (more than half your win bets, and with an ROI that will astound!)
AND – We are offering a guarantee that has never before been offered in the history of racing, and that statement itself is guaranteed (and will explain the lobster graphic!), Read on . . .
If you want to order right now – click this link: Order Here
If you have an extra few minutes, I want to first tell you a quick story.
I learned a long time ago – there’s “bread and butter,” and then there’s “lobster and butter” – and there begins this very short story . . .
In the early eighties sometime – I was at Hollywood Park on a sunny, spring afternoon. I had been doing okay and because I was up a couple of hundred – decided to go upstairs and pay my way into the Turf Club to have a few drinks and get the cushy “bird’s eye” view of the remaining races.
I sat at the bar, ordered a drink, and continued studying the Racing Form. The bartender turned out to be a very likable and friendly black man by the name of Henry. We first passed a few words – and then carried on an intermittent, but running conversation about the races while he attended his other customers. About 30 minutes after I’d arrived – as he served my second Gin and Tonic, he asked me,
“Who you like in the 7th ?“
– “The #5 looks solid to me. I think he could go right to the front and steal the race from this group.”
“Yas – but I like dee favorite, mon – he come from dee clouds . . . he run like a freight train!”
Henry was an older gentleman who had an accent I couldn’t make out – not southern U.S. – he was maybe from the Caribbean back in his youth.
– “You could be right about that Henry – he might catch my horse – no doubt about it.”
There were 10 or 12 minutes to post time at that point, and Henry the bartender went across to the other side of the bar to serve other customers. A few minutes later he comes back over,
“So you really like dis five horse eh mon?”
– “Uh Huh – I’m going to bet him now – those 10/1 odds are lookin’ really good to me.”
“Yas mon – okay – good luck wid im.”
As they were approaching the gate, I walked over and placed my bet (so fine to have no lines at the windows in the club house!) – $20 on the nose of the speedy #5 and then came back to my seat at the bar. Henry noticed me and gave me a ‘thumbs-up” sign while continuing to attend to some people on the other side of the bar.
My #5 broke good from the gate and immediately went to the front. As I recall, Bill Shoemaker was on the horse, and was nursing that lead very well while slowing them down a bit. But – surprisingly – the now lukewarm favorite – the one who always came from far back – was right up near the lead today just a couple of lengths behind my horse?!. It stayed pretty much that way all the way around until the turn for home when ‘Shoe’ let my guy out a notch, and got a good jump on the field – opening up a 3-length daylight gap.
I was sure I had the winner, but by mid-stretch, the fast-closing favorite was really rolling. Long story shorter – Eddie D and the favorite nailed me on the wire by a short head.
Then I heard Henry’s loud, happy drawl . . .
“Lobsta n’ butta t’night mah friend, Lobsta n’ butta t’night!” He clapped me on the shoulder and showed me a good sized ticket – a one-way cold exacta with his hard-charging favorite on top of my #5 horse.
Henry mixed me another G&T without asking and sat it in front of me.
“On me mah bruddah,” he winked – and repeated one more time a bit more softly, “Lobsta n’ butta t’night!”
Once you have this method, your handicapping will quickly become more profitable – and it will only get better from there.
The foundation here is so solid – the factors so important to the outcome of a horse race that I don’t believe it’s capacity to produce steady profits will ever change – regardless of the changes in racing itself.
Now – to the guarantee . . .
Kind of in honor of Henry the bartender, Horse Racing Gold is making this absolutely unique guarantee:
If the proper application of the L&B Method does not produce a profit to you, we will refund the full purchase price, AND – buy you lobster for dinner (for two!) – but you’ll need to provide the butter. 😉
For full details of the guarantee – click here
This is a method you want. For us to say it’s a “must have” would sound self-serving, but this one is a crackerjack. If you have Speed 2013, this will be the perfect adjunct, and for some, will be the needed piece to complete the handicapping puzzle.
The L&B Method is $47.
what tracks are on the index list iplan on testing two of the methods iorder regards john
John – the mix right now is; Ap, Bel, Cd, Mth, Pim, Sa. – Gary
Ok SECOND final comment on L&B. Belmont , my favorite track, runs a lot of turf races which are not playable with the method. However, I have been having good success on turf. Eliminate the 2nd call qualifier, just have to be within the 8 lengths at finish. To separate ties I just use final odds ( also look at best final fraction rating). Belmont 9/18 race#7 “mah jong madness” top pick romps home and paid $26.20
Makes L&B more versatile no long term stats, but seems promising
Ray – I’ve mentioned it in passing once or twice in my writings – that in my own play, the largest proportion of races in which I wager are turf races. I find them to be (after good pace analysis) more “clear” as to which contenders will be factors in the last eighth mile.
In appreciation for all your great input, I’d like to offer you a method, “Long Green,” that is only available as part of the “Whole Enchilada” package. It was part of a series given to the original “Insider’s Club” members many years back. I think you might find it very helpful in your ‘melding’ of L&B into a turf approach. Just zip me an email, or respond here. – Gary
Thanks Gary, would be interested in that methodology. Basically, I have been separating turf contenders using the brisnet final fraction ration.
Ok final comment on L&B. what I have settled on doing is betting min 3-1 odds, if only 1 horse qualifies will bet the single. Just hit race 300. Results. Hit rate 26% ( due to 25% one horse bets) total investment $10,260 (20/horse). Total return. $12568. Profit $2,308. ROI. 22.5%. Earning over 20% on your money in this economy is phenomenal. Hoping 300 races is a large enough sample so longer term results will not vary to much from these results.
Ray – Excellent! When you’ve got very high payers in the mix, you might need a longer test than just 300, but I’m sure you are getting a very good feel for what you are doing, and I wouldn’t anticipate any great fluctuations. A 20% ROI and a bit of patience will take you wherever you want to go in this game.
Just a comment on separating the tied 3rd horse.
, or tied horses in general. Yesterday first race at Finger Lakes
4 final contenders
#1. sr75. ml-7/2. 2nd call 46.2
#4. sr 75. ml-2-1. 2nd call 46.2
#5. sr 74. ml-6-1. 2nd call 47.2
#7 sr. 74. ml 5/2. 2nd call 47.2
Method calls for breaking ties with morning line, I say with horses that close use post time odds
#1. 9/5
#4. 6/5
#5. 23-1!!!!!!!! Highest odds in field
#7. 3-1.
Never guess who won? Yup the 5 @ $48.60!!
Original rules would have the 1-4-7. With horses that close ya gotta go for value; would have passed with original rules. Gotta go for the “gold”!
Woodbine race 8. #6 top pick(96)and best speed 2013 of three top choices wins at $41.20!
Ray – Keep it rolling brother – sounds like you are onto something good. – Gary
When does 1+1=10?? When you add speed 2013 + L&B!! You mentioned in a previous comment, if you had to choose between L&B and speed 2013, you would choose L&B. It is easier to use, however with a little more work, using speed 2013 to get your final contenders( vs using the SR) AND using the speed 2013 odds parameters you can get better results using the two methods synergistically. E.g. Suffolk 8/20 hit a $55.40 bomb, bet it at 25-1 one tick over the allowable odds, could have gone either way after gate opened. The odds fluctuate wildly after the gate opens at these small tracks, you bet a 5-1, then watch the odds plummet while they are running. Guess you could call it the “Synergy Method” Any of your customers that have both should try this out, be curious to see what results they have.
Ray – Thanks for the input and tip to the other readers. You are using a good approach – that of creatively combining the ideas and filters in the various methods we’ve released can really put players onto a profitable and unique method ‘of their own’ . . . we have always recommended this way of working with our methods. – Gary
Look forward to seeing that spreadsheet, assuming will point out what races the L$B method excels in, what races to avoid, like nw2 and 3yo only. Starting this week, I am going to up my min odds to 3-1, however, will be including exacta betting. Will bet the 2 high odds to win, with an exacta cover with the low odds horse. I have seen many races where the top choice goes off as the favorite with one of the other choices at a price coming in second. The exacta will turn a losing race into a winning one.
When will these spreadsheets be released?
George – It will be one spreadsheet, and it will be in the next post. – Gary
Want to recap my first 100 races with L&B Hit rate 40% Flat bet ROI 18.9% Considering how easy this method is to use, a great return!! Using brisnet speed ratings, get 4 track downloads free if you bet them, can’t beat that price!
Ray – Thanks for keeping us updated. Re your 40% hit rate . . . In my next post I’ll give out a spreadsheet that I think everyone will find of use – maybe even a game changer for some?! – Gary
land b method arlington park july 28 race1 horse 5and 7 race3 horse 1A and 5 race 5 horse 7and 8 race 7 horse 4 and 7 iam still new to the method ihope iam d0ing right regards john
John –
Yes – all your horses qualify by the rules of the method except the #5 in the 5th race. It has only turf races showing and it’s last race wasn’t it’s best (or tie with best). In that race I will ‘fudge’ the rules a bit and allow the #8 horse. She has only two dirt races showing – one was a year and a half ago (can’t use that one), but the other was a win by 7 lengths just 3 races back over this track and distance. The variant was -6 which is a bit over the rule parameters, but not by much. None of the others have any kind of speed ratings at all (except the #7 and the turf horse), so I would use her today.
In race 3, the other half of the entry also qualifies (so if one of them is scratched – your bet will stay the same).
– Gary
The gist of the progression without retreat is fairly simple. You need your win % I used 50% as per your records, then you bet at 2 levels using 1,2,3,4….. As an increase, when you win at a certain level and you haven’t made a profit, you do not regress, but stay at that level for the next bet.When I was betting single long shots I used 20 levels since my hit rate was only 5%
Eg. 50% win
L1 $40(20 each). Loss
L2 $40. Loss
L1 $80. Loss
L2 $80. Loss
So far down $240
L1 $120 (60/60). Win at $7.00. Ret $210-120=+$90. Still down $150
L1 $120. Loss. Down $270
L2 $120. Win $14.00. Ret $420 -120 =+$300
Now up $30 for series so start at L1$40. Methodology says to restart whenever there is a profit, no matter how small
Method makes sense and very effective, over the years I have tried numerous methods, this was was most profitable, that is until I tried the “P3+” betting method on win betting!
John –
Yes – all your horses qualify by the rules of the method except the #5 in the 5th race. It has only turf races
showing and it’s last race wasn’t it’s best (or tie with best). In that race I will ‘fudge’ the rules a bit and allow
the #8 horse. She has only two dirt races showing – one was a year and a half ago (can’t use that one), but
the other was a win by 7 lengths just 3 races back over this track and distance. The variant was -6 which is
a bit over the rule parameters, but not by much. None of the others have any kind of speed ratings at all
(except the #7 and the turf horse), so I would use her today.
In race 3, the other half of the entry also qualifies (so if one of them is scratched – your bet will stay the same).
– Gary
Out of curiosity I ran my results thru the “P3” betting system, equalizing the win mutuel for a 2 horse bet and the profit was a whopping $1254.90. The roi was lower than flat betting(12.5%)but profit more than doubled!!
Considering at 50% worst losing scenario approx 8, I used 4 losses before starting.
Will be using the p3 to figure my bet size from now on!!
Ray – Good on ya mate! Research is at the heart of success in this game – at least that’s always been my take on it.
Yep – the P3 software can be used to optimize the profits, and it sometimes can almost work wonders. The only admonishment (and from what you said – you have already considered it) is not to want to jump into a series too quickly – i.e. not to set your parameters for excessive risk while hunting for the maximum profits. – Gary
Wanted to recap my first week using L&B. Tracks played: mth,ap,parx,dp,suf and wo
Betting $20/horse so $40/race. Invested in 38 races = $1500. Return =$2075. Profit $575. ROI =36.5%
Hit rate 47%. Min odds 2-1. Started off by winning all races at Ap, yesterday lost all!!! Worst loss streak =6
For win betting $mgmt I use a method called “progression without retreat” using that on this series I increased the bottom line to $796!
So far so good!!
Ray – Much thanks for the report. One day when you have time, let us know the gist of your mm approach. – Gary
Can you really make a decent profit on dutching 2 or 3 horses? I mean now you may be looking at less than 2:1 odds if that. When you play two horses to win, I can’t see making any big scores so you have to have a hell of a winning percentage or am I wrong? Just my opinion.
Bob – Your’s is a common mis-conception. And – I guess it’s according to what you mean by “decent profit.” ?!
Our figures over the last 279 races are: win% (betting two horses) 57.3% Average win mutuel $10.10
Let’s just figure over 100 races and a straight $2 per horse wager = $4 in per race (for ease of calculation): That’s $400 in. We hit in, lets call it 57 races, so 57 x $10.10 is $575.70 for a profit of $175.7. That is an ROI of +43.9%. Now for whatever you consider “decent profit” for you personally – simply begin adding to the bet amount until you get to what you want.
Betting three horses is rare. My way of approaching a race like that – is I bet only enough on the third horse to cover wager and make a small profit – the main bet is still split between the top two. If I want to go after serious profit on that third horse – I’ll use the exacta pool.
I suggest using a minimum acceptable odds (whatever that is for a player = 9/5, 2/1, 5/2, 3/1, 7/2 are the most common) and then requiring 5/1 as a minimum combined odds on the two horses wagered. I.e. if 2/1 were you accepted minimum on the top horse – then you would need 3/1 minimum on your second horse (9/5 would require 7/2 etc.). If the spread is wide – I’d suggest dutching to the odds. If it is narrow – just split the bet evenly.
In sum though – sure a player can make good profits betting two horses – some of the very best in the game that I’ve known use that as their normal approach.
I have another follow-up PDF (#2) for those who purchased the L&B Method.
I you didn’t receive that yet and want it – just let me know.
– Gary
Mike – Thanks for the kind words (I’ll reply here for formatting sake). I came to know Doc through Huey Mahl. Huey was old school (way old school), and I knew before I started studying with Sartin that he would be the real thing becasuse anyone Huey would endorse was guaranteed to be absolutely bona-fide. Doc had his detractors, but most of them were simply jealous and – like great horse trainers and their students – when they wanted to strike out on their own and establish themselves (after more-or-less ripping off Docs innovations) they had to draw a distinction between themselves and the old master – so . . .
Anyway – you have a superb background for now being able to take L&B and making it your own. – Gary
thank you for the reminder .. i didn’t mean to slight the loss of Doc in my post above .. the man was very instrumental with my entry into the world of Horse Racing .. the whole family was great .. Doc or anyone else involved would take your call .. and i can extend the same comment to you too Gary .. you are always good about a reply .. as far as L&B .. i see that this method “forces” (in a good way) for the handicapper to use proper discipline when narrowing the picks and to PASS if the Set Up is not in your favor.. as we all know .. this and proper M$M are the foundation to PROFITS .. ttfn .. mike
Gary .. thank you for the added info .. i have been exploring the L&B since i received it .. i am not ready to commit to result stats .. as i am revisiting my races and correcting any bad habits .. as you know .. i am a Sartin Student .. my latest Sartin Program is Spec 160 .. also as you know .. the late Guy Wadsworth (Doc’s) programmer wrote it (and Ted Craven picked up the pieces since Guy’s passing .. although this program is no longer supported) .. i have LOTS of TrackMaster PPs for this Program .. and i am using them for testing of L&B .. i am very familiar with this program and it is an EZ way for me to process the L&B method .. i can isolate contenders
and once i get down to the final picks .. Spec has a readout that is Total Speed Specific .. and i am using it to finalize my rankings .. gotta say so far Gary .. i am impressed .. your Method really gets rid of the NON Contenders and when there is a play .. there seems to be a GOOD chance of a WIN .. and from there .. i am exploring my M$M .. i will keep you posted and when ready .. post my findings on this BLOG .. ttfn ..mike
Mike – Thanks for posting here, and thanks for the positive words. Your level of research/commitment should serve as a good example for others who will read this comment.
Yes – Doc Sartin was one of my mentors as well (maybe better stated – I was an early and eager student of his back at the beginning of the 80s). He was a giant among the contributors to thoroughbred handicapping ideas in the last few decades. His passing was a loss to the game. – Gary
For those that purchased – I have just sent an additional PDF that addresses some of the questions I’ve received so far and also with some additional guideline suggestions.
If you have ordered and didn’t receive that follow-up PDF – let me know.
Also for those that have the method – use this comment area for your questions, results or comments – that way they can serve to help the others as well. – Gary
Just received L&B yesterday played mth only 1 playable race it won $5.40 today at Ap had 5 playable races ALL won $14.60, $9.40, $15.80, $7.00 and last but not least $28.20 had to separate ties using the morning line, I use brisnet and have found that using their prime power numbers may be better to separate odds that are close, e.g 5/2 & 3-1 also not using track variant figures and seems to work without it since you mentioned that they figure the variant figures into their speed rating. Also, this is the easiest method I have ever used! Of the several methods I have ordered from you this is the one I will I will be using exclusively, Spock would have loved it, extremely logical!! Thanks for sharing this method
Ray – Thanks for the report. I know several are Brisnet users – the info should help them as well. “Beam me up Scotty” – Gary
Dave – (answer here to your post comment lower down)
I’ve used TrackMaster for all data for many years. They offer a good monthly (or longer) unlimited access plan that makes them reasonable enough (lower than Brisnet I believe). I don’t know how the various providers do their proprietary “massaging” of the data, but I think all of them get their raw data from the same source – Equibase. Which would probably translate into their various different variants still having a proportionate ratio . . . but I don’t know that to be an accurate fact. – Gary
Hi Gary,
Do you have any plans to convert your latest handicapping methods Speed 2013 and L&B into software ?
Marin – Not at the present. The costs of development and contracting with data providers for automatic downloads – etc. etc – just puts the stuff out of reach for many of our long-time customers. This is why there are all those $600 to $2000 pieces of handicapping software floating around out there. For relatively simple methods like Speed 2013 and the L&B method – there are free software options available from some data providers (if you buy the pp data from them of course) that can be used in a way that will very much shorten the amount of time involved in the handicapping. – Gary
Below are the results of the L&B Method on the day after its release (Thursday 7/18/13) – for the tracks issued in the HRG Index. Those that ordered can check their results against these, and those that haven’t ordered can get a follow-up idea of the results that can be had with the method . . .
Ap race #1 – no qualifiers
Ap race #2 – only 1 qual / no bet (it does win at $6.00)
Ap race #4 – top qual wins at $5.40
Ap race #6 – only 1 qual / no bet
Lad race #2 – odds leave only 1 qual / no bet
Lad race #3 – top rank wins, but too low odds – loss
Lad race #5 – top qualifier wins at $18.80
Lad race #6 – 2nd qualifier wins at $12.00
Dmr race #2 – odds leave only 1 qual / no bet (it does win)
Dmr race #4 – top qual wins at $7.00
Dmr race #7 – only 1 qual / no bet
5 races qualify for wagering from 11 races handicapped – 4 races won at win prices; $5.40, $18.80, $12.00, $7.00
– Gary
please keep us posted on the Land B method order it yesterday still studying the materail ilike to know how others aredoing with it
I’ve been using the Brisnet past performances, also accessible from Twinspires. But I’ve never seen a track variant. Maybe I’m just not reading it correctly. I do see + and – digits under 1c and 2c, but not really sure what that means. Would I need the DRF variants to play this method?
Thanks — dave h.
Dave – I have never used their stats. They have some kind of formula for including the variant in their speed rating already. You can get the DRF variant though – here is a link:
– Gary
Thanks Gary. I have been using the Brisnet PP Generator for some applications. Just didn’t realize I could choose that option. However, I don’t know whether I will get results similar to yours using DRF ratings. I’d rather just do everything exactly the way you are. If you don’t mind sharing, what past performances are you using? And are they available online?
Dave – Answer above for formatting sake – Gary
thanks …
yeah I do not play maidens at all …..except when they get stuck in the middle of a pick 4 I might be playing. I normally
just play to win or to win-place and sometimes I just do parlays. But since using a few of your methods…..they WORK! :)….I have been dutching ….2 or even 3 horse to win (odds permitting of course)…less run outs that way.
Next week I think I will give this new method s spin..
ps… you include a spreadsheet of plays with the order?….like your previous methods…very helpful
Joe – Yes, I can provide you with that spreadsheet data. – Gary
haha ..Great racing story Gary …
lets see …about 3 minutes to figure? and over 50% win rate (assuming a 2 horse dutch?)
No turf, no maidens …and a short term roi of 43% ?
whats not to like ? Sounds a lot like the results speed 2013 ?
These two methods seem to target the same races ?? Is that correct? Im thinking of going with one of these methods plus Ive been recently thinking of your Pigs Fly method for maidens….sorry its off topic ….but does that method still hold up with the kind of numbers in the discription? ..
thanks Gary …
the numbers on BB and Sniper still are strong !!
Joe – Always good to hear from you. As I mentioned in the blurb, I think the L&B Method is the perfect adjunct to S2013. It will stand alone of course, but they are both coming from a main premise of how to look at speed – each in a different way. L&B is a bit easier in its application and will maintain a higher hit rate (the allowable odds parameters are narrower) while S2013 will get more longshots (the allowable odds parameters are wider on the high end). If someone pinned me down to a choice . . . I’d go with L&B (I am using it daily still).
I don’t use WPF personally – in fact I rarely play maidens at all now. There are just so many races from which to choose – it’s a matter of narrowing down for me, and I just prefer capping proven winners (but the reports are still good from those who report back on that method).
Any results compiled for this method yet?
Jim – These are given in the method, but: I have tested it since March 31 on the tracks and dates issued in the HRG Index to our subscribers.
There were 263 qualifying races / 150 winning races / win ROI +43.9% / Exacta ROI +47.9%.
As I say in the method material, I would project over the long term it will settle in around +20-25% for win – with exacta higher. The trifecta is showing the best ROI, but then that isn’t a wager for everyone. – Gary
Sorry Gary, nevermind. Silly question with an obvious answer. I hadn’t realized it would be posted here publicly….ooops.
Sam – I’ve been told there are no “silly” questions. I sent you a reply privately, but for others – our Paypal needed data is on our order page here:
Longtime customer here. Want to order the “Lobster”….can I pay through PayPal? Thanks
Two questions:
Is there a play in every race?
How many horses are bet on per race?
Don – Not a play in every race – the method does not apply to turf, maiden, or maiden claiming races. We suggest wagering two horses per race when odds allow. – Gary
What data source(s) are required? Racing form, track program, Brisnet, ?
Bob – Any PP’s will work fine as long as they include the usual data – running lines – fractional splits – etc.
– Gary