HRG Index 2019

The Horse Racing Gold Index (our 20th year!) will resume on Thursday, Feb. 14th.
The brutal winter weather is (hopefully) coming to an end, and the good Spring race meets are getting into gear.
We have a new format, a new offer, and good news for “early-bird” bettors . . .
Read MoreYear-end Review

As a slight deviation on our annual year-end review, the following may be only a reminder to many of you, yet – just maybe a necessary eye-opener for some of you.
Although much of it has been mentioned in our past postings, consider it a sort of holiday gift from a handicapping “Grinch” with some, perhaps, not-so-welcomed points for your consideration . . .
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BC 2018 Results

Horse Racing Gold Breeders Cup Report results for 2018
We’ve had several players request results of the Horse Racing Gold Breeders Cup Report this year, so thought we would recap the results while still fresh in everyone’s mind . . .
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Handicapping Tips

The most consistent odds-handicapper in horse racing . . .
Who is that?
And – if you had his/her insights every day, do you think you could make a pretty penny with that info?
We’ll give you the answer to that question
. . . along with a step-by-step analysis of a recent race in light of that information – and offer a few tips you might consider worth adapting to your own handicapping . . .
Read MoreSuper-Tanker Logic

The “obvious bet” – is there such a thing, and if so – what makes a good bet obvious?
Recently I came across a speech given by ultra-rich businessman, Jim Tisch (son of billionaire, Larry Tisch) at Columbia University in 2006.
What he had to say struck me as pertinent to the ‘pulling the trigger’ decisions we face every day in horse racing – a simple “test” that will eliminate bet-time indecision . . .
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Kentucky Derby 2018

Another Kentucky Derby! It’s one of the great sporting events of our country . . . and how (relatively) under-appreciated it actually is. Hard to figure.
No matter. Horse Racing Gold will issue our annual Special Kentucky Derby Report as always, and as always, we are looking forward to a having a great day – both fun-wise, and profit-wise! We will offer our in-depth Report for both the Kentucky Derby and include the Kentucky Oaks – AND as a bonus this year . . .
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Morning Line Magic

Over the years, our number one request from players has always been for a quick-handicap, advance-betting method that would use the morning line, and not require being glued to the computer screen, or track or satellite center monitors.
Personal time is valuable- we understand.
All of us have things we might prefer doing – or at least of having the option of doing – rather than sitting through long cards of racing where most of the time is spent just waiting for the next race (particularly if on a low-caliber Thursday card with off-weather tracks and miniature fields).
But the ‘quick-handicap – bet in advance‘ idea has always seemed impractical . . . too easy to be possible. However, that never stopped the continuing research and hunting for a way to make it work, and finally – we’ve found a pretty darned good way . . .
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My dictionary gives the definition of “dichotomy” as: “division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups.”
In handicapping and betting the horse races, there is an ‘elephant-in-the-room’ dichotomy, yet – it is one that most ‘handicappers’ refuse to even consider . . .
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“Chalk Talk”

(Be sure and see Breeders Cup Report offer at bottom of post)
As we have said repeatedly over the years: Handicapping and betting the races can be one of the most complex and difficult endeavors one could imagine – or it can be fairly simple, and not all that difficult.
This is not to try and insinuate that it is an easy way to make a lot of money – it isn’t . . . but – there are only a select few things you need to know, remember and apply in order to handicap and bet the thoroughbreds profitably.
In the following, I’ll discuss a wagering aspect which can be considered primary to success in this game.
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Kentucky Derby 2017

Hey – life is good . . . it’s Derby time again! Unless you’re one of those cigar-chomping mercenaries who would rather hit a $40 exacta in a race at Fonner Park than be involved in the pageant of the most popular horse race in the western world . . . you’ll be watching. And if you’re watching – you might as well make a wager or two – right?
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